Tops in Blue
Earlier this year, the Air Force selected 1st Lt. Oliver Chang, a member of Stephen's organization, to participate in the Tops in Blue program. On Saturday, the group performed at Edwards AFB, so we, along with several other folks from Stephen's office, made the trip around the mountains to catch the show.
The group gave an outstanding performance, including a set of current chart toppers, a history of music through the 20th Century, a special appearance by some favorite superheroes, and a salute to the United States. Of course, our favorite part was Lt. Chang's "My Way" violin solo.
After the performance, we stayed to visit with Lt. Chang and the other cast well as participate in what I like to call the "Plaque Exchange." First, Stephen presented Lt. Chang with his Company Grade Officer of the Quarter award.
Next, Tops in Blue presented Stephen a plaque to thank him for allowing Lt. Chang to participate in the program this year.