The final travel day for the weary road warriors dawned with....NO SNOW!! Yippee!! We departed Colleyville in the late morning in order to avoid Dallas rush hour. Success! I only wish we could zip through Los Angeles at that rate of speed. We probably could have made it to Livingston without a single stop, but why would we want to when faced with the opportunity to visit a Texas icon....

After loading up on beef jerky, honey roasted pecans, BBQ brisket sandwiches and summer sausage, we continued our trek.

Granny and Papa Taylor were rocking and waiting on the front porch when we arrived in the 75-degree sunshine. This decoration on the front porch made us smile....

Inside the house, Holly was flabbergasted, because the rainbow scratch art door hangar she designed paled in comparison to this....

Thus our journey least until next week when we begin the process again in reverse. Thanks for joining us along the way!!